Chef Costume Progress

I made more progress on Arden’s chef costume.  I finished up the pants and the hat and of course had to try them on Arden.  I know most kids don’t like to wear hats and tear them off at every opportunity.  Not Arden.  She’s always liked to wear hats which is great since I like to knit them for her!  It’s somehow very appropriate that one of the signs she’s learned at daycare is “hat”.  That and “bubbles” make frequent appearances.

So I try the hat on her and it’s adorable.  I’m very excited with how the costume is turning out.  Problem is that she wouldn’t let me take it off her all day Sunday.  Here are a couple of photos as a sneak preview:

Chef Arden

Modeling the hat in action in her play kitchen.

Newfound fondess for football

And here she is several hours later while watching some football.  I don’t really follow football, but I miss the sound of a game playing on Sunday – reminds me of snuggling under a blanket with my Dad and a bowl of caramel popcorn.  Arden is not much of a TV watcher, but this seemed to hold her interest for about ten minutes.  Maybe it was the pink the players and refs were wearing for the breast cancer awareness game.

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