Day # 8 – Getting Organized Challenge

Beginning to lose steam.  I’m committed to completing these organization challenges each day, but I also need to get some sewing done for Week 2 of Project Toddler Runway.  And get to bed before midnight for once.  So this will be short and sweet.

Before.  Already had some organizers, but they were crammed full of stuff in no particular order.

Purged a few coats to be donated, tossed several pairs of gloves that our dog Sophie had apparently chewed on, and organized everything.

Added labels on the organizer so stuff should stay where it belongs.

This is a scarf knit by my husband Dave in third grade.  He’s normally the one to try to get rid of stuff, but he couldn’t let this go.  Even after I promised to take a picture and blog about it for posterity.  It’s easily seven feet long, made from several different yarns, and wavers along with picked up and dropped stitches.  Apparently they were reading The Mile Long Muffler at the time, and so it is…

3 Responses to Day # 8 – Getting Organized Challenge

  1. Becky@Organizing Made Fun January 11, 2011 at 4:14 AM #

    For being quick, you did a super job!

  2. Sally January 11, 2011 at 5:23 AM #

    Very nice job! Good use of the hanging organizer and labels. And I wouldn’t want to toss that scarf, either.

  3. Shannon January 12, 2011 at 2:25 AM #

    Very nice … I think the scarf is too precious to get rid of … you’ll find a use for it … one day 🙂

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