Day #15 – Getting Organized Challenge

Day 15 of A Bowl Full of Lemon’s 21 Day Organization Challenge is Medicine/Vitamin Storage.  Dave went through our adult vitamins and medicines not too long ago, and since I spent about 2 years pregnant or nursing and was limited to Tylenol and Sudaphed for any illnesses, we don’t have much of a stockpile.

I have however, been needing to address my daughter Arden’s medicines.  I’ve been just tossing them in the bottom drawer of her dresser/changing table since we brought her home – all mixed in with butt creams, shampoos, and lotions.  Now that she’s fully capable of opening that drawer I needed to get all that stuff out of there.

I divided things into a couple of piles and tossed the few bits of packaging and junk that had found their way into there. 

One pile went into a dollar store bin to go back into this drawer – extra lotions, creams, shampoos and other supplies that shouldn’t pose a threat.  ** Note!  As I posted this I realized I left the trash bags I use to line her “poopy” diaper pail – we use gDiapers and compost the “pee” diapers.  I’ll be pulling those out of there first thing tomorrow and putting them out of reach along with the green biodegradable bags we use for blowouts while away from home. 

All the medicines and sunscreens went into another bin in our hall built-in closet which is where most of our medicines are as well.

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