A Bad Case of the Yucks…

Warning – this post contains talk of poop and puke. 
We’ve had a serious case of the yucks around here.  On Wednesday, I made the mistake of feeding Hadley  prunes for dinner.  Hadley only poops every two or three days (you know where this is going, don’t you?).  Well, the prunes did the trick and I woke up about 3 AM intending to go pump and checking her found her half rolled over with obvious leakage from the front and back.  My first horrified thoughts were that she had somehow gotten the poop in her mouth, but thankfully discovered that she had just thrown up a little.  So, change the sheet, mattress pad, diaper, pajamas and swaddle and sit down to feed her.  About 15 minutes later, she puked all over me, the Boppy, and the futon we were on.  Boppy cover, sheet on futon, burp cloth and my underwear all go into the laundry chute.
Then last night we lost power and in the midst of this Arden begins crying and calling for us.  We’ve been working through her frequent wakings and don’t rush right in, but after a while we heard the unmistakable sound of retching.  Change the sheets, mattress pad, pajamas, and pillowcase using a cell phone to light the way.  Arden has at times worked herself up to the point of vomiting, so we figured this was the case.  Nope.  Half an hour later she starts crying again so this time we go in pretty quickly.  She’s puked again, this time all over herself and in her hair.  Dave starts to give her a bath and I change sheets, blanket, lose the pillow completely, and get out fresh jammies.  Another hour or so later, we repeated the whole process.  At least now the power is back on.  By this time I’m rummaging in the closet for blankets to put on her bed and she’s wearing shortie pajamas even though it’s not very warm. 
We try to settle back to sleep, but then I get up and get sick.  Ugh, though I actually felt better afterwards.
So not to leave you completely disgusted, here are a few pictures I snapped over the last week:

We live a block off the course for the annual St. Patrick’s day races and parade.  The girls and I walked down and set up a picnic to cheer the runners on.  Arden rang her little cowbell we got at the Couer d’Alene Ironman and I snapped photos of the runners.  I normally run the race every year, but I’ve been having trouble with my foot and bone pain in my pelvis and Dave was at work anyways.  We went back after nap to watch the parade.

I bought a baby swing for Hadley to swing with Arden in the backyard.  Both girls thoroughly enjoyed swining together.

What do you do when your little ones are sick?  I remember Kate Gosling from John & Kate Plus Eight saying she set up a pallet in the laundry room, but I just don’t think I can get on board with that…

2 Responses to A Bad Case of the Yucks…

  1. Ellen March 25, 2012 at 4:22 AM #

    I know what you are talking about…I helped raise a lot of nieces and nephews and it was just good practice for my own…terrible that you are sick too! Hopefully you will all be feeling better!

  2. Anonymous March 26, 2012 at 7:54 PM #

    We actually “set up camp” in the bathroom. It does make cleaning up a lot easier. Plus it’s easier to not have to move your child in and out of bed/crib so often. My husband or I of course stay in the bathroom with them.

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