Some Comic Relief At Poe’s Expense

One of our cats Poe had a recent trip to the vet.  He wasn’t eating and was acting lethargic and since he has a history of crystals forming in his bladder and causing blockages, I took him in.  He stayed overnight and our fabulous vet told us that he had diarrhea probably because he was passing hairballs.  Her notes for discharging him said in a much kinder tone than we deserved, that his undercoat was matted and he needed a trip to the groomer to get shaved.  He gets clumps in his fur every spring and we do our best to try to stay on top of it, but with baby Hadley in the house on top of an active preschooler, Poe has suffered a bit from lack of attention.

So here’s Poe now.  I can’t help but laugh at him every time I see him.  I texted Dave after I picked him up from the groomer that he looked like a cross between a lion and a poodle.  I mean seriously – look at the puff at the end of his tail!? Hilarious.  Arden got lion and tiger confused and has been calling him “little tiger”.

Dave and some of our friends are calling him Mr. Bigglesworth, from Austin Powers fame.

And Poe?  He’s first and foremost COLD (for probably the first time in his life!), and seems a cross between embarrassed and extremely relieved.  Some of the mats were under his legs and chin and he would let us pull them out because they felt so bad.  Sophie, our high-strung lab, keeps trying to pounce on him – we’re not sure what’s up with that.

Do you think he needs a little kitty sweater?

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3 Responses to Some Comic Relief At Poe’s Expense

  1. Randee Hallmark April 3, 2012 at 3:00 PM #

    OHHHHHHHHHHHH….this made me smile sooo BIG!!! He is ADORABLE!!!! LOVE him!!!! 😉

  2. Ellen April 3, 2012 at 4:15 PM #

    Oh, poor kitty! He does look a bit embarrassed!
    I just have to laugh. I bet he is cold!

  3. Jenna April 7, 2012 at 2:14 PM #

    Too cute!

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