I Pinned It! 3.30.12

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And without further ado, here’s some great things I’ve pinned:

Oooh, I die!  These kimonobaby shoes are adorable!  Lovin’ the turquoise polka dots with the brown ribbon ties also!  Might have to try my hand at another pair of baby shoes!
I don’t know who Rufus is, but this Limoncello Tiramisu looks scrumptious!
Okay, enough with all this cuteness!  My to-do list is already a mile long!  Seriously, the contrast fabric on the pockets, and pleats?  Yes, please!
You know I love me some Etsy and this chalkboard wall calendar is genious!
I had pinned this Green Velvet Cake around St. Patrick’s Day – aside from the fact that I heart red velvet cake is the realization that it could be any color velvet.  Hmmm, orange, or maybe turquoise???

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