Applejack’s Antics

I introduced our elf Applejack to you a couple of weeks ago and thought I’d share some of what she’s been up to, Instagram style (I’m @jennuinelife).  I’ll preface this by saying that a) I make no claim to great elvish creativity, b) I’ve been so busy with PR&P prep and other holiday activities that on more than one occasion I’ve tromped back downstairs at midnight or dashed down in the morning to set her up in a new spot! and c) Arden keeps on touching her so she’s had a few “rest days” to get her magic back.

Our elf made her debut with a theatre-esque setup sitting with a big cup of mini marshmallows and tickets to see The Great Russian Nutcracker by the Moscow Ballet.  Arden named her Applejack on the tail of a weekend of watching several episodes of My Little Pony.

The next morning, Applejack was discovered in the midst of a tea party with friends.

On a day home with the girls, Applejack thought a crafty day was in order and had foam penguin kits and was working on a paper snowflake.  Arden was already downstairs embellishing the snowflake and tearing the penguin kits apart when I heard her and came down in the morning.

Applejack planted a garden of lollipops.  This one might have been better in theory than in practice, as the girls helped themselves to suckers throughout the next couple of days.

Sugar snow angels.   We couldn’t leave this one out once the dogs were out of their crates in the morning, so I used potholders to move her without disrupting the magic and clean up the sugar.

Caught her getting ready to have a big mug of hot cocoa with marshmallows!

This is my favorite!  Applejack was feeling a little under dressed so she made herself a fancy new skirt with mini pom pom trim.  Arden was pretty excited about finding her like this as well.  Hadley likes her too, she’ll stand and look at her and say “Jack” in her sweet little voice.

Promoting good oral hygiene.

Applejack was reading in Arden’s room.  Nice book selection!

I thought this was pretty cool!  I had bought a bunch of flickering LED candlelights and Applejack brought up the Melissa & Doug birthday cake and put the candle on top.  The only problem was that Arden woke up about 6 AM and saw the light and wouldn’t go back to bed.  There had been a piece of cake on Applejack’s plate, but she had already started to mess with her and had put the piece back in the cake.

And the most recent one – Applejack brought us a gingerbread house kit.  The girls did this with some help from me and it was really fun!

Hadley would decorate the house and then promptly pick the candy back off and eat it, and Arden was methodical and very particular in her candy placement.  Very true to their personalities!

I missed sharing a couple of days, but they weren’t anything that unique – just visiting Hadley in her room or bringing a holiday movie for the girls to watch.

Got any ideas for quick and easy setups?


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