Blizzard Dance Party

We’re officially in the midst of a blizzard here in Mid-Michigan, so hubby and I are working from home today.  The roads are covered with 12″ + of snow due to blowing and drifting, so we also kept Arden home from daycare and are taking turns entertaining her while doing work (read – I mostly entertain her while Dave has conference calls all morning).

We love Barenaked Ladies Snacktime to put on for Arden to dance to.  She’s got some moves for an almost-two-year-old, and Sophie the dog and Erwin the kitty got in on the action today to hilarious result:

One Response to Blizzard Dance Party

  1. brickstory February 2, 2011 at 6:08 PM #

    I can’t see the video right now but this sounds like our fam 🙂 We also had some rediculous snow fall and drifting yesterday/last night but it seems the worst is behind us. I was working from home this morning – which also translates to entertaining Mckinley while Jay was out with the snow blower. Enjoy your day! Can’t wait to see the dancing!

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